In recent years, pet cremation has grown exponentially and continues to do so.
It’s a sorrowful time and handling the arrangements can be extremely distressing. For that reason, many people have begun making those arrangements in advance.
We’ll discuss what animals can be cremated, the process, what services are offered, costs, and what to with your furry friend’s ashes. You’ll have the information to decide if this is the right choice, and what decisions are needed to be made.
What Animals Can Be Cremated?
Dogs, cats, and horses are the most common animals, however it’s also possible to cremate other animals such as hamsters, rabbits, birds, reptiles, and more.
Dog Cremation
Those of us who have dogs know what a special bond is established with our beloved canines. We come to think of them as one of our children.
Dog Cremation Guide
If you’re for information about dogs, our team has compiled a guide dedicated to the dog cremation process.
Cat Cremation
Although they tend to go their own way at times and pretend to care less about what we do, people who have cats know what a loving bond can be established.
Cat Cremation Guide
Losing your cat, it’s a time of great sorrow and you want to choose the best way to keep him or her close to your heart.
For more information, please read our guide about cremating a cat.
Horse Cremation
Even though you can’t cuddle one like a dog or cat, strong bonds are often created with horses. It sometimes takes a bit longer, but once you establish that bond, it’s intense as any other.
It’s surprising for some people to discover that they can cremate their horse.
Pet Crematoriums: What to Expect

Cherry Tree Pet Crematorium
At a crematorium, you will find much the same as in one for humans. It typically has a soothing atmosphere with staff that will have respect and sympathy for you.
Memorial Room: If you want to choose a particular urn, you may be taken into a room where they are displayed. They may offer urns, boxes, or jewelry.
You might also be able to get a better price for a memorial online. We’ll talk about this a bit later in the “What to do with ashes” section.

Memorial Room at Peaceful Paws
Business Office: If making prearrangements, you are likely to meet with a staff member in an office or other area to make all the necessary choices.
Cremation Room: This room is separate from the others and contains the cremation chamber. Some people are surprised and pleased at how clean and sterile this area is in most facilities.

Cremation Room at Badlands
Viewing Room– This is the room where you and other family members will sit or stand during a witnessed cremation.
The Cremation Process For Pets
There are crematoriums for both humans, animals, and some are for both, but regardless the cremation process is the same.
Many people want details of what will happen during the cremation process, such as how they will be treated and what happens.
Of course every crematorium is different however there will be a standard basic process.

Pet Cremation Chamber- Addfield
The Cremation Chamber:
This is the compartment of where your pet is placed and where the actual cremation takes place. The body is subjected to temperatures ranging from around 1400 – 1800 degrees Fahrenheit.
How Long Does it Take?
The time to complete depends on the size of your animal. For instance, a cat or small dog usually takes less than two hours. A large dog or a horse can take a few hours.
What Happens During a Pet Cremation?
The intense heat vaporizes the organic matter and reduces it down to ashes and bone.
Any type of metal that was in or on the animal such as metal pins or a buckle on the collar is removed by hand or with a magnet.
The rest of the remains are pulverized to a gritty sand-like powder, which is white or gray in color.

Typical Animal Remains
Don’t be surprised or concerned if you see bright colors in the ashes. If they were bundled in a blanket or you left on the collar, this will account for the colors.
What Services Are Offered?
Private Cremation: Your animal is placed in a chamber that is separate from other animals. With private cremation, they guarantee that you receive only your pet’s ashes.
Witnessed Cremation: You are present at the time of the process. There will likely be a viewing area for you and anyone else who wish to witness. Many people feel that watching helps in the progression of the healing process.
Communal Cremation: This type is frequently chosen because the cost is generally lower than the others, sometimes even half the price. Your furry friend is placed into a chamber along with other animals.
All of the animals are cremated simultaneously and the ashes are pulverized together.
How Much Does Pet Cremation Cost?
Just like cremation prices for people, pet provider costs can vary depending on the facility and other factors. Below are some average costs.
Break down of prices:
Domestic Pets– $50 -$350, depending on the type of cremation and the weight of your pet.
The lowest cost would be for communal, with no return of the ashes. The highest is for private, with a return of the ashes. This frequently includes some extras like a basic container for the ashes.
Horses– $250 – $1,500 and up, depending on the weight, the area in which you live, and if pick-up is required. Whether it’s a communal without return of ashes or a private type with return of the ashes will influence the cost as well.
Pick-up– If it’s outside business hours or on the weekend, the charge is typically around $30 – $45 for domestic pets. Outside a certain driving distance, usually 25 miles, the charge is also around $30 – $45.
Horse pick-up can cost up to $1,000, depending on the horse’s size and the distance from the crematorium.
Viewing– If you wish to view your pet’s cremation, there is typically an extra charge of approximately $20 – $30.
Urn– If you desire that the ashes are placed in an urn, they run from $50 – $1,000. You can buy an affordable one online for less than $100. (See below)
What to do with the Ashes
Quite often people are unsure what to do with the ashes of their furry friend. Below are some ideas for ashes and what to.
You might also be interested in our dog memorial ideas article.
Cremation Urns
Probably the most popular choice and affordable option for storing the ashes. Urns come in any number of sizes, styles, and prices.
If you’re interested in learning a bit more about these memorials, we recommend you read our cat urns and dog urns guide.
Cremation Boxes
This is another container frequently seen displayed in someone’s home. In addition to wood, these boxes for ashes are also constructed in a broad variety of materials.
A Headstone:
A simple but sweet headstone that can lay in the garden is beautiful memorial for your lost pet. For more ideas and products, have a look at our page on dog headstones.
Jewelry & Keychains:
If you literally want to keep your pet’s memory close to your heart, there is no better choice than a necklace with either a small amount of the remains placed inside.
Keychain Keepsakes
Another way of keeping your precious pet with you is by putting some of the ashes into a keychain specially made for that purpose.
Most types of jewelry can be purchased or made with your pet’s ashes such as bracelets, rings, ankle chains, and many more.

Cremation Diamond Jewelry
Blown glass jewelry uses the cremains of your furry friend to produce a stunning piece of art.
You can also add a cremation diamond to most of these types of jewelry.
It’s the choice of many to bury the ashes of their pet. In many cases, this is done on the family’s property.
This enables the family to visit their pet whenever they like, which can aid in the grieving process.
If you’re looking to bury, a biodegradable urn or even an urn tree are both great options.
Scattering Ashes

Biodegradable Scattering Urn
Some people feel that scattering the ashes symbolizes sending their loved one on their final journey.
The place for scattering is a personal preference. You may choose to scatter at sea, in a park, or even in Space. For scattering in water, we always recommend using a water urn.
How to Find a Cremation Facility
There are several ways of locating a pet cremation facility. One of the most common places is through your veterinarian, who usually will be able to recommend a reputable crematorium.
Animal Shelter
Your local animal shelter is another place that is very accustomed to this situation. They should be able to put you in touch with a facility.
Online Directories
In addition, there are websites where you can search for places by state such as Everlife Memorials.
Pet Cemetery
Furthermore, if you have a pet cemetery in your area, you may be able to find a cremation facility by contacting them.
If there are no pet crematoriums in your area, many regular crematoriums include services for your pet as well.
Frequently Asked Question About Pet Cremation
Burial or cremation: What should I choose for my pet?
Of course the decision of cremation vs burial is a personal preference. With burial, you will have a gravesite that you can visit often. However, you can choose cremating and still bury the ashes. Many people choose it because it is more environmentally friendly and cost effective. In addition, if you move away, you can take your pet’s ashes with you.
What if your pet dies at home?
If they die at home, most pet crematories have a 24-hour pick-up service and will usually return the ashes to you within a few days. If you have not made pre arrangements, you may be able to leave your pet at your veterinarian office for a few days if you need some time.
Have I received the correct cremains?
Most crematories offer private cremation, which guarantees that your pet is placed into a separate chamber alone and then cremated. Furthermore, in order to ensure you receive only your pet’s ashes, some people choose a witnessed cremation in order to view the process.
Do I need a casket for my pet to be cremated?
No, you don’t need to have a casket or other cremation container for the cremation as a rule. At most facilities, you can wrap your pet in his or her favorite blanket if you wish. Nevertheless, if you do desire to have a casket, you can purchase one as long as it’s made with combustible materials.
Can my pet’s items also be cremated?
It depends on the particular crematory. Some do not allow toys to be cremated and some may allow a blanket made with natural fibers. Others do allow your dog’s favorite blanket and even leave on their collar. It depends on the environmental regulations in your area. Check in advance with the facility you choose.
What happens if my pet passes away at my veterinarian?
Although vets do not normally perform this service, they frequently have a relationship with a third-party facility that they can recommend. In most cases, your animal can be picked-up from your veterinary office.
Deciding on Pet Cremation
This guide is intended to relieve some of the pressure of making important decisions during your time of grief.
Losing your beloved pet can be a difficult time in your life. We hope to take some of the time and stress away when that time comes.
If you are experiencing a loss at this time or have in the past, we offer our heartfelt condolences.
If there is a heaven, it’s certain our animals are to be there. Their lives become so interwoven with our own, it would take more than an archangel to detangle them- Pam Brown
I never thought that horses would be among cats and dogs as the most common animals that are cremated. A friend of mine has had a horse for about 12 years, and it just passed away this past weekend. She’s been struggling with it a little bit, so I decided to help make arrangements for the horse to be cremated. Thanks for the information.
Hi I know how u feel I lost my little flaco sept 27 2021 he died on my chest had him for ten years I miss him so much I feel for u god bless u
It’s interesting that you mentioned contacting a local pet cemetery to find any potential cremation services. My pet dog is about to be put down and I think I would like him cremated. I can see how it would be nice to ask a cemetery because they would probably know of more than one cremation service.
If you do choose to have your pet cremated when they die then there are a lot of things that you must take into consideration, especially concerning what to do with the body. I particularly like that the article brings up urns and boxes. After all, if you choose not to spread the ashes somewhere then they can be a great way to store them as a memorial to your pet.
I just had my dog put down at the vet. I requested private cremation, in which they use a 3rd party to do this service. I’m hoping and praying that the remains are only my dog…..I suppose I will never really know for sure, but I hope they don’t lie to you in this regard.
Hi Kathy, sorry to hear about your dog. From my experience, most of these companies are very reputable so if you paid for private cremation- that’s what you’ll get. Hope this brings you some peace.
last week I put down my sweet boy cat and I went to the cheapest urn for him and he was cremated! I really miss my buddy! he was my sweet boy I ever had!
Do all the parts like the skull get cremation or u do away with part. I was asking bc I was told it don’t break down is that true. Could some one answer that please
Ruth, The bones do not break down after cremation, but the pulverize the bones using either a hoe-like rod or vibrations. I hope this helps answer your question.
We have had our last 8 fur babies cremated as our space and in the yard is too hard to dig a grave. I had mine done through my vets office cremation service. I lost two babies last year and two this year. Most were geriatric. I grieved quite a bit for my last dog who died Dec 5th this year. After years of Shetland sheep dogs and a lab mix I finally had my first ever small inside dog Emmitt. He was a chihuahua Papillion mix . He was four when we adopted him and was a pleasure. He also was my only dog to travel on a trip home with us.
I think cremation is best and I do the private one myself. My heart is with all who love our babies so much
Is it normal for ashes to be returned between 2 to 3 weeks?
I would like to know how much it cost for a bird to be cremated
We paid $80
What happen to the remains of our wonderful pet dog if we don’t want her remains after cremation??
I was told they get scattered in a pet cemetery or buried with others at à pet cemetery. Hope this helps. We were told we could attend them scattering the ashes. We chose private.
It was helpful when you said that dogs can be cremated. My husband and I are wanting to get our family dog cremated. Thank you for the information about pet cremation.
buried our first kitty after 12 years with cancer, 19 years later our 16 year old kitty with kidney failure was cremated, just didnt want this kitty buried out in the cold yard but in the warm house with us, in our “kitty corner” with all her “Kodak” moments in the past….
God bless you. My dog has 2 months to live if that.
I am so broken hearted and can’t stop crying.
It can be incredibly painful to contemplate the death of an animal companion. Cremation represents the professionalizing of the death industry for pets.
I just had to have my bff cat of 20 yrs put down . I thought my immense love for her could keep her going ! I would always say to her while I hugged her frail body . Long may you run !!!!!! I am devastated and am waiting to get her remains back. A private cremation. I want my girl no one else I miss my bff so much!!!
I had to have my beautiful 20 year old cat to sleep yesterday, I can’t stop crying i miss her so much. I’m having her cremated and can’t wait for her to come home to me. I’m having all kinds of thoughts though. Are they treated well at the crematorium? They don’t just get chucked in. I know it’s a weird thing to think but I feel my baby is scared and lonely and want her to be treated well.
I cremated my beloved dog, and bringing him home gave me some peace. The grief is unbearable.
So sorry. My sons first dog is only 8 years old and must be put to sleep soon due to medical issues. He is avoiding it. It’s so hard for the whole family. My son is 18 now . Not looking forward to this
Thank You for this article.
I have three little dogs, the two are in their mid teens and one just turned six. I love them with all my heart. Of course we never think about when they pass away.
I lost my dog last sat . She was my mother’s dog. I had for 9 years lm heartbroken loved her to bits. Brought her to Spain with me. Sent to get creameted on her own hope don’t get any other dogs Ashes
You made a good point that having the ashes of my pet is good way to always bring it with me if ever I have to move. Even though it’s a painful decision, I think I will need to have my dog be put down soon so I’d like to prepare what to do afterwards in advance. I know that I would be in so much grief when the time comes to preparing everything now would be better.
At 4:00 this Christmas morning my 13 yr dog collapsed. She is in pain an cannot walk. I have been expecting this. She is sleeping now because of pain pill. Its Christmas morn. Everplace is closed till Monday. 4 days away. What do I do ??
I just received my dogs ashes back today. They are in a beautiful box with his name. Brings me peace to have him home.
My dog had diabetes they told me she would not live too much longer and I would like to have a nice memory from my dog can you please send me some more information
how do i know itis my baby and not a box of wood ashes or even garbage ashes? how is this monitored or even controlled? is there and real control to prove you are really getting you pet back and not a box of paper ashes.
I would like my little Conure Parrot to be cremated.. can you guys do this..
I have had two pets cremated. one went just fine. the last one in November of this year. the place i went to originally said if the animal passed at an affiliated vet there would be no charge for transportation of 3.3miles. just like my first. there was no talk of additional transportation charges at the time of the contract creation and payment of my second pet. they did not tell me when they were contacted about the dogs passing at the Vet’s office about transportation charges. the passing happened on a Monday, non holiday. they did not tell me when they picked up the pet from the vet. they did not tell me when I called and made arrangements to collect remains of any outstanding balance for transportation. which was 3.3 miles away. they held my pet hostage at the time of pick up for an additional $30.00 dollars. Be sure you get every detail on your contract. no documents were returned to me that had age, sex, weight, death date, etc with my pet. Be on the look out for unscrupulous businesses. this added to my grief.
What is the average length of time for ashes to be able to be placed in an urn once the actual cremation is done? Meaning oven is off.
How long does it take for the ashes to cool before they can be places into the urn?
Is it true that firefighters and the fire station can do a private cremation of my dog. I recently paid 500 plus 185 for private cremation from a mobile service where lady came out to my home to give 2 shots to put my dog to sleep, then said she was heading and works with the firefighters where she was then going to drop my dog for private cremation. She will return in a week with a beautiful box of her ashes. Never heard of that, please tell me it’s possible? I hope my Trixy was actually going to a private cremation. I did text her to see where exactly she took her so I can personally thank them for taking care of my furry lived one but no response yet after 2 days.
Can you have a small dog you buried in a container in your yard in a special place dug up and have what may be left of him cremated together with a small dog l have now when he passes so they will be together so when the first one of us passes, my husband or my self have them placed with one us, so when we have to sell our property they will not be left behind for some one to destroy there special place and destroy them?
I have had 2 pets cremated. The peace of mind is priceless. Beware! the place I used had different numbers on the certificate and the remains. not the same animal. The cremations were done by the same place. The different numbers happened on both pets. 11 years apart!! They added extra charges on when I picked her up. Said pay or leave without your pet. I was paid in full. Extortion! I am taking them to court. Beware. the best advice is to be there when they are placed in the incinerator and removed. Do your RESEARCH!!!!